All these experiences led him to create two new brands: his recently-launched CEKR Paddles and now LEKKER Kayaks.

These are the words we strive to live by. These are not just random words we picked as a catchy slogan; it was the personal motto of Hendri Coetzee, expedition paddler extraordinaire and close friend of Celliers Kruger, founder of Lekker Kayaks. To honour Hendri’s legacy, we chose these words as Lekker’s official slogan.

For more background on Hendri, visit


The philosophy behind LEKKER Kayaks’ designs is based on four principal concepts:


Every level of paddler, from beginner to expert, deserves to paddle with craft that has the best possible performance for their skill level. On Lekker craft, you will find no dumbing down. No leaving out of features that could make the difference between a good or a bad time on the water. Our aim is to keep paddlers hooked on the best experience they could have.


Many years ago, Celliers wrote the following in an article about boat selection: “If a paddler can’t put 100% of their pulling power into a forward stroke because of the need to use some energy to maintain their balance, the paddler is in the wrong boat. It is just about impossible to establish good paddling technique if a paddler is not 100% comfortable with the (in)stability of the boat.” This has become part of his mantra when designing new craft: every design needs to have maximum stability, relatively speaking to the purpose of the design.


Everything you need, nothing unnecessary. This underpins the selection of features you will find on every Lekker kayak.


As a seasoned expedition paddler, Celliers knows the pain of being stranded in the middle of nowhere due to equipment failure. As a result, every design feature and every fitting is selected to ensure reliability.